CareAline: A mother’s road to SXSW and how she is impacting pediatric health

Kezia sums it up in a guest blog post she did for , a Boston Children’s Hospital blog. The past week has been stressful for her – she needed a way to process our wins at Impact Pediatric Health and on top of that managing her health. She needs sleep and I will get that arranged. She needs a couple of days off to reboot. Anyone have a condo in the mountains they want to donate for a weekend?  Sometimes I am not a good person to process with.. I had been so focused on making sure we are prepared for growth, meetings, follow up, number crunching to show just how much of an impact we can have.  Ug… Its a lot, however this is what we signed up for and we shall deliver. We are excited for our project with the Dallas Mavericks; Its a good feeling watching our products get the recognition, and its rewarding watching Kezia become a known advocate and leader in pediatric innovation arena. The bottom line is, we are helping more kids and adults with CVC’s and PICC Lines. PICC Line care is a major concern for caregivers and patients. Central Line protection and infection control is a big deal and we have walked in the shoes of a parent taking care of our chid’s PICC Line and Broviac. For me, my experience during this event and after has been good. Its what we asked for, this is what we have been working for for the last couple of years. I just really enjoy watching Kezia lead the way on shaking up pediatric health.  Kezia is a wonderful writer .. follow the link to Vector – Please share on your Facebook & Twitter.. thank you