Central Line Care – Reduced bloodstream infections at three hospitals

The threat of a bloodstream infection while Saoirse had a Central Line was always on our mind. It never left. So our thought was to reduce the total amount of potential threats as possible. We did this with constant cleaning and with the help of her CareAline® Wrap. As a parent of a child who was sick, knowing that an infection could hinder the chemotherapy she was receiving for Neuroblastoma, we stayed very aware of her lines. We focused primarily on the caps. We knew the risk of infection increased if we let her caps and lines drag along the ground, couch, chairs, toys and carpet while playing and we were terrified of her caps getting in her diaper. We would constantly ask ourselves, “how do we keep her central line safe?”. Its a constant for parents and caregivers. A constant worry and a constant fear. There are some really great ways to keep lines clean and safe. I came across the following article on reducing central line infections and thought you may like to read it.
